What is a PECC?
A pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) is an individual or team of individuals responsible for coordinating pediatric specific activities. The PECC need not be dedicated solely to this role; it can be an individual(s) already in place who assumes this role as part of their existing duties. The individual(s) may be a member of your agency, or work at a county or regional level and serve more than one agency. In short, PECCs are pediatric champions and real-life superheroes!
Are you a PECC?
If you are a prehospital PECC in Colorado, sign up to join the COPECC mailing list and receive important program updates, announcements, and event information. In addition, please make sure your agency's organizational profile with the state is up to date, including the PECC field and PECC contact information.
What is COPECC?
EMS for Children (EMSC) Colorado, with the help of a diverse group of stakeholders, has developed the Colorado Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (COPECC) program to assist EMS agencies with implementing the PECC role. Through COPECC, prehospital PECCs and their agencies have access to resources, workshops, peer networking, and pediatric experts.
Resources for PECCs
Role Description and Flyer
Continuing Education
Quality/Process Improvement
Prehospital Pediatric Readiness
Pediatric Equipment
Family-Centered Care
Clinical Guidelines
Injury Prevention
Safe Transport
Upcoming COPECC Workshops
If you are interested in hosting a PECC workshop, please email emsc.colorado@cuanschutz.edu​
Previous COPECC Workshops
Slides from the August 12, 2021, workshop